Karnevalgesellschaft Harmonie


KG Harmonie is a member-group of the German Club and was founded in 1970. The Volkstanzgruppe dancers 4Harmonie, a children and adult folk dance group that was founded in 1959, amalgamated with KG
Harmonie in the 1990’s. KG Harmonie now celebrates both Bavarian and Karneval Traditions.

Our most prominent event is Karneval, known as the 5th season, which runs from November 11 to Ash Wednesday. It is a time of merriment ruled by “Prinzenpaars (Prince and Princess or Princesses)” and an “Elferrat (Council of Eleven) made up of Narren (Fools)” .

All dance groups under K.G. Harmonie take part in both Bavarian and Karneval dance events. The children’s dance groups range in age from 4 to 18 and The Roten Funken are age 18+. We also have a ladies group known as the Heart of Harmonie. We perform locally, provincially and throughout Western Canada.

For information, please contact President Darlene Rubrecht darrubrecht@myaccess.ca